(516)216-9691 [email protected]

Lead Generation & CRM Management

Outsource updating your CRM to General Analytic to maximize your sales & business development opportunities

Developing & capitalizing on new and existing customer relationships is the lifeblood of any business. However, most companies don’t effectively manage their CRM, which leads to lost sales opportunities and poor business development decision making. When a company has many customers and many opportunities, the CRM becomes even more important to keep up with all those opportunities.

However, updating your CRM takes a lot of time and isn’t always the best use of your resources.

Partner with General Analytic to always keep your CRM up-to-date and not miss out on any sales opportunities.

Some of our services to update your CRM include:

  • Creating and updating customer profiles
  • Assigning new leads to a potential sales professional
  • Cleaning, combining, and / or removing duplicate entries
  • Developing sales forecasting reports & pipeline reports
  • Identifying cross-selling and upselling opportunities
  • Finding customer contact information
  • Capturing custom data fields based on your specific directions.

We have experience with most widely used CRMs and are quickly able to learn new ones. Supporting whatever CRM a potential client is currently using should not be a problem.

Customer Relationship Management and Updates