(516)216-9691 [email protected]

Data Entry, Preparation, & Conversion

Eliminate Your Data Entry Permanently

Data entry is time consuming and costly for a business to perform in-house. General Analytic’s team of data entry professionals provide one-stop data service to businesses & individuals looking for data entry outsourcing services.

The data entry specialists at General Analytic provide service including, but not limited to:

  • Transcribing handwritten documents or images
  • Filling in Microsoft Excel & Google sheets for back-office purposes
  • Aggregating data from various data sets into a usable & organized format
  • Converting data from one format to another
  • Entering data into your database (invoices, transactions, purchase orders, etc)
  • Processing emails
  • Data classification
  • Data cleansing and error/ accuracy checking
  • Document and form processing
Outsourced software development solutions

Benefits Of Outsourcing Data Entry To General Analytic

It’s Cost-Effective

Outsourcing data entry to General Analytic will reduce your expenses significantly.
Your business will save by:
• Paying much less to have this work completed overseas than in-house
• Potentially reducing the number of on-site personnel
• Cutting the need to invest in any custom data entry software

It’s More Accurate

The quality & consistency of your data entry is critical. If you are digitizing records to use for later, your project is doomed to fail if those newly digitized records contain errors and inconsistencies. However, companies generally ask their core employees to do data entry as part of their daily routine, even though it’s time consuming and occasionally results in errors. For example, many companies have their sales professionals entering invoices and orders, which eats into the time that sales professional could have been out making sales. It also isn’t their key responsibility, leading to some additional errors.

General Analytic’s data entry specialists understand how critical it is to get the data right the first time. They are trained to think not only about the specific directions, but also what the data will be used for. Through working with a plethora of clients as well as dedication to client service, let General Analytic provide accurate and useful data for your business processes.

It’s Highly Scalable

A company’s workload can be very unpredictable. There are many times when you may need a huge team to work on your backlog of data, while sometimes you don’t.
Data entry outsourcing helps you address these unpredictable trends. Hiring a service provider allows you to easily scale up or down your team and get the job done within the same speed and accuracy.
